by ray | May 30, 2021 | Sermons
Audio file Text: Mark 4:16-17 Summary: What causes a hardened heart? 3 things: 1) reducing Christianity to a religion of principles, doctrines, and traditions of men (Mark 7:5-8); 2) not using what...
by ray | Feb 24, 2020 | Sermons Text: John 16:1-15 Summary: The ministry of the Holy Spirit can be summed up in one word —...
by ray | Aug 26, 2019 | Sermons Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Mark 14:32-42 Pray to discern false teachers. Pray to endure the present and future persecution. Pray to express your heartfelt desire for Jesus’ return. Pray for a...
by ray | Aug 19, 2019 | Sermons Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Mark 10:17-31 (Context – Mark 9:49-50, 10:32-40) Summary: As followers of Jesus, expect to go through many fires, specifically, the fires of persecution. Allow...
by ray | Jun 9, 2019 | Sermons Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Matt 10:1-22 Jesus models for us what it means to be a Spirit-filled laborer and a Spirit-filled witness. Look to Him and follow in His...