Worship in Spirit and Truth
Having Ears that Can Hear
Audio file Text: Luke 10:38-42 Summary: How do we train our ears to hear the words of the Lord? 5 Steps: 1) Worship, 2) Ask, 3) Listen, 4) Wait, and 5) Receive
Worship Leads to Victory
Text: Zeph 1-3; Rom 8 Summary: Worship means to bow down. If you resolve never to bow down to anything in creation, and instead, to bow down only to your Creator, then you can become more than a conqueror.
How to Walk in the Victory of Christ
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Matt 4:1-11 Jesus demonstrates how He walked in victory during His time of testing in the wilderness. We, too, can walk in the same victory by 1) filling ourselves with the Word, 2) expressing thanksgiving in every situation, and 3) refusing to bow the knee to anybody or anything but Jesus.
Communing: Clearing, Confessing and Crushing
Preacher: Pastor Ray In order to COMMUNE with the Lord in prayer, we need to 1) CLEAR away the clutter, 2) CONFESS sin and 3) CRUSH everything at the feet of Jesus.
Worship: Wasting Our Lives ON Jesus (John 12)
Preacher: Pastor Ray We often talk about “wasting” our lives FOR Jesus. But do you know what it means to waste your life ON Jesus? Let’s take a closer look at Mary’s life as she poured out her entire life savings literally ON Jesus in a singular act of extravagant worship. Nothing captures the heart […]
Jesus, the Object of and Model for Our Worship (Part 2)
Due to a recording problem, this sermon has been split into 2 separate files (Part 1 and 2) Part 2 Preacher: Pastor Ray We all agree that Jesus ought to be the object of our worship. Have you ever considered the fact that Jesus is also the model for our worship?