Having Ears that Can Hear

Audio file http://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/hillcc.org/2021/sermons/20210207.MP3 Text: Luke 10:38-42 Summary: How do we train our ears to hear the words of the Lord? 5 Steps: 1) Worship, 2) Ask, 3) Listen, 4) Wait, and 5)...

Worship Leads to Victory

http://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/hillcc.org/2020/sermons/20200705.MP3 Text: Zeph 1-3; Rom 8 Summary: Worship means to bow down. If you resolve never to bow down to anything in creation, and instead, to bow down only to your Creator, then you can become more than a...

How to Walk in the Victory of Christ

http://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/hillcc.org/2019/sermons/20190512.MP3 Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Matt 4:1-11 Jesus demonstrates how He walked in victory during His time of testing in the wilderness. We, too, can walk in the same victory by 1) filling ourselves with...