Follow Jesus in His Suffering

Audio file Text: Mark 8:34-38; 10:35-40 Summary: You and I must undergo a water baptism and keep repenting. We must ask regularly for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. If we are still alive when...

Preparing to Follow Jesus Text: Luke 9:23-25, 57-62 Summary: We can prepare to follow Jesus by surrendering daily, by denying ourselves daily, and by taking up our cross...

Job: The Wisdom of God Revealed

​ Preacher: Pastor Ray The question running through the book of Job is why — specifically, why is Job suffering? In anger, God finally speaks to Job and Job’s friends. In the aftermath,...

Good Friday 2016 Preacher: Pastor Ray Victory over sin, Satan and death began at the Garden of Gethsemane when Jesus struggled with and overcame His soul–His mind, emotions and will–by accepting...