Jesus Models How To Be a Beloved Child of God

Audio file Text: Matt 3:13:17 Summary: 2 groups of people in the Body of Christ the Lord wants to address: 1) those who are lazy and think God loves them no matter what and 2) the restless...

A Life That Pleases God

Text: Psalm 78:52-61; Book of Jeremiah Summary: The Book of Jeremiah mentions 2 themes: Jehovah Tsidkenu (The LORD is Our Righteousness) and the temple of the LORD. Jesus fulfills both. How can we access this righteousness? 1 – Confess your sin and plead the...

The Ministry of the Holy Spirit Text: John 16:1-15 Summary: The ministry of the Holy Spirit can be summed up in one word —...

The Discipline of the Lord Preacher: Pastor Ray Main text: Heb 12:3-11 God disciplines those He loves and this discipline leads to life (12:9), holiness (12:10), and righteousness...