When Life Doesn’t Make Sense: Moses in Midian (Exodus 2)

http://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/hillcc.org/2016/sermons/SWS021416.MP3 Preacher: Pastor Ray We all encounter seasons when life doesn’t make sense. Moses, the former prince of Egypt, finds himself in such a season when he flees Egypt and becomes a shepherd in...

Intro to the Psalms: Seeing Jesus in the OT

http://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/hillcc.org/2015/2015-sermons/SWS041915.MP3 Moses went up the mountain to meet God. He was a real Christian. The rest were BS (Bottom of Sinai) Christians. The book of Psalm is divided up into 5 smaller books, which were not assembled...