Follow Jesus in His Suffering

Audio file Text: Mark 8:34-38; 10:35-40 Summary: You and I must undergo a water baptism and keep repenting. We must ask regularly for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. If we are still alive when...

Baptism: A Blueprint for Christian Living

Audio file Text: Mark 8:34-38 3 salvation testimonies by our 3 baptism candidates (Timothy Choi, Jeremiah Choi, and Elijah Choi). Summary: Verses about baptism provide a blueprint for Christian...

Hearing the Voice of Jesus

Audio file Text: Mark 8:34 Summary: Overview about baptism. You and I can improve hearing Jesus’ voice by asking, listening, discerning, obeying, assessing and repeating. Practice makes...

The Unleavened Teaching of Christ

Audio file Text: Mark 8:15; Matt 16:6 Summary: The unleavened teaching of Christ leads to a life that is supernatural (not natural). The unleavened teaching of Christ honors secular authorities...


Text: Acts 1:14; 2:1-13 Summary: What is the purpose of the Sunday gathering? Why is there such unity in the world, yet so much disunity in God’s Church? Listen as we discuss how true unity can be achieved.