Easter: Jesus Won, Now Live to Win

http://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/hillcc.org/2020/sermons/20200412.MP3 Text: Rev 3:21-22 Summary: Jesus won! Now it’s our turn. Live to win by holding on to Jesus and resolving that you will never let go of...

Easter 2015: Heart Burn

http://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/hillcc.org/2015/2015-sermons/04-05-2015_Choi.mp3 At the crucifixion and in the days that immediately followed, there were 3 groups of people: 1) passive spectators, 2) discouraged insiders and 3) passionate followers. Listen to how...

Easter Service

Please join us for Easter Service this Sunday, 3/31, at our normal worship service time of 4pm as we celebrate our risen Lord! Also, a handful of our member candidates will be baptized and share their salvation testimonies on this special Sunday. The service will be...