Praiseworthy Faith: A Faith that is Not Easily Offended Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Matt 15:21-28 For what kind of faith does Jesus offer His highest commendation? Answer: a faith that is not easily offended. A Canaanite woman overcame the following: 1)...

Various Snapshots of Faith

​ Preachers: Pastor Ray, Pastor DuBerry Texts: 1 Thess 5:14, 1 Kings 17:1-16, Luke 4:22-26, John 6:53-69 We can see various snapshots of faith by looking at the prophet Elijah with the widow at...

Prayer: Fruit Bearing Takes Time (Mark 4-8) Preacher: Pastor Ray Bearing fruit and becoming like Jesus takes time. May the Lord teach us to be patient. Discussion Questions Read Mark 7:1-23. – Why is Jesus critical of the...

Prayer: Intimacy Takes Time (Mark 1-4) Preacher: Pastor Ray A good heart is someone who has no agenda other than just being with Jesus. Discussion Questions Read Mark 1. – What’s the significance of God saying that Jesus is...