Make Every Effort to Enter the Kingdom of God

​ Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Luke 13:22-30 The kingdom of God is filled with citizens who keep repenting and who make every effort to enter...

Sermons from John 14

Heaven: Not a Place but a Person Jesus, Our Husband and Lord Love the Word, Keep the Word, Wait for the Word What is the Will of God? What Should We Be Praying for Every Day?

What Should We Be Praying for Every Day?

​ Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: John 14:15-31 What should we be praying for every day? Hint: It’s related to Pentecost...

What is the Will of God?

​ Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: John 14:10-14 What is the will of God? God’s will is for you and I to hear His voice and obey...

Love the Word, Keep the Word, Wait for the Word

​ Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: John 14:21-24 If you love Jesus, you will love the Word, you will keep the Word, and you will wait for the...

Jesus, Our Husband and Lord

​ Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: John 14:18-31 Jesus is not a roommate whom we check in with once in a while. Nor is He a butler who we call upon when we need something. He is our Husband and our...