Good Friday Service @ 7:30pm

We will be having a joint Good Friday Service with Friendship Baptist Church this Friday, 3/29, 7:30pm at church. If you are driving and don’t have a PARKING PASS, please see Pastor Ray when you arrive at church. If you are interested, here are some verses from...

Membership class is beginning

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Hill, membership class is beginning. It spans 3 weeks and covers topics such as: church history, our statement of faith, why we are Protestant (as opposed to Catholic), what is distinctive about us as Baptists, our...

The Christian Faith

You might not be a Christian yet, or you are a Christian but you would like to solidify your faith before considering membership, or you are a Christian but you are not quite ready to commit to this church, then, we want to recommend taking a course called, The...