by ray | Aug 25, 2014 | Announcements
9/3: DAY/TIME CHANGE. This is our next monthly Church-Wide Bible Study. These Bible Studies are held on the first Wednesday of every month from 7:00pm – 8:30pm at Pastor Ray’s home. (Prayer meetings will still be held afterward at church at 9pm). If you are interested...
by ray | Aug 10, 2014 | Announcements, Missions
Help respond to Iraq’s refugee crisis by donating to the International Mission Board’s general relief fund or by texting imbrelief to 80888, which will donate $10 to that fund. Text to donate: $10 will be added to your mobile phone bill or deducted from...
by ray | Apr 8, 2014 | Announcements
by ray | Apr 6, 2014 | Announcements
4/13: Two classes will be starting next Sunday. The first one is called “The Christian Faith.” Whether you are a long-time Christian or totally new to the faith, this six week course will help you understand what the Christian faith is all about. This course will...
by ray | Mar 11, 2014 | Announcements, Coffeetime, Encounter Jesus (EJ) Fellowship, Events, LIFEgroups
3/16-4/13: For the next 5 Sundays, you are all welcome to come and watch “The Bible” mini-series from which the movie “The Son of God” was based (same footage). It is 10 hours long so we will watch in two-hour segments. Starting this week,...
by ray | Mar 11, 2014 | Announcements, Coffeetime, Encounter Jesus (EJ) Fellowship, Events, LIFEgroups, Ministries, PCC
3/16: All college freshmen and young adults (grad students, singles, married couples) are invited to Pastor Ray’s house for dinner after service/fellowship time. If you are interested in coming, please RSVP by Saturday noon (3/15) to...