Brother Matthew: Love is Patient (Prov 3 and 1 Cor 13) Listen to Brother Matthew share about his spiritual journey over the past 20+ years, focusing especially on the past 2.5 years. Discussion Questions – Previous sermons preached by...

Intro to the Psalms: Seeing Jesus in the OT Moses went up the mountain to meet God. He was a real Christian. The rest were BS (Bottom of Sinai) Christians. The book of Psalm is divided up into 5 smaller books, which were not assembled...

Book of Habakkuk: Yet, I Will Quietly Wait and Rejoice When we pray to the Lord, He may respond immediately, or He may take a long time to respond, or He may never give an answer. The life of Habakkuk demonstrates a life of prayer and how to...

Easter 2015: Heart Burn At the crucifixion and in the days that immediately followed, there were 3 groups of people: 1) passive spectators, 2) discouraged insiders and 3) passionate followers. Listen to how...