Superbowl Sunday

Hi guys, Everyone who knows me knows that I am a die-hard Eagles fan and I have been waiting for this day… Since it is a stripped down Sabbath Sunday, I’d like to invite everyone to worship at our home at 2:30pm. Lord willing, we will end close to game...

A Heart that is Not Easily Offended Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Matt 15:10-28 Jesus wants to clean you from the inside out, and when He does so (or when things don’t go your way), please don’t get offended and walk...

Prepare to Meet Jesus Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Matt 22:1-14 You and I are invited to the wedding banquet of final salvation, but few are chosen because few are wearing the right clothes. Prepare and get ready to...

Having Fear of the Lord Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Eph 5:1-17 Awaken yourself (your spirit), fear the Lord and be holy, as the Lord is...

Lord, Revive Our Spirits Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Gen 45:25-28 Repent of your soulishness and ask the Lord to revive your spirit. CORRECTION: The meaning of the names Ephraim and Manasseh were switched. Here is the...

The Problem of Soulishness Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Psalm 43 Repent of your soulishness and seek His...

A People Prepared for the Second Coming Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Luke 1:11-17 How can we be a people who are prepared for the Second Coming of Christ? By looking at people who were ready for the first...