Transcript: Lost

Text: Luke 15 Sermon audio Father, we come to you in humility. We ask for understanding of the Parable of the Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin and the two Lost Sons. Teach us how to repent, how to recognize our lostness. We want to be found so that at the end of our lives,...

Lost Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Luke 15 Repenting means admitting that you’re lost and asking Jesus to find you and heaven rejoices every...

Transcript: Be Rich Toward God

Text: Luke 12:13-40 Sermon Audio Father, we want to understand Luke 12, the Parable of the Rich Fool. Because we don’t want to live foolishly. We want to be faithful, wise, ready in our hearts for the kingdom and the soon-to-arrive King. Teach us, Lord, how to...

Be Rich Toward God Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Luke 12:13-40 What does it mean to be rich toward God? Our heart moves in one of two directions — either toward earthly riches or heavenly...

Transcript: Submitting to God’s Order for Our Sanctification

Text: Mark 12:18-27 Father, I pray that you would meet us now in this hour. I give You my mouth. I give You this time. This is Your house. It’s a house of prayer and we want to pray to You. We want to meet You. We want to encounter You. We ask for wisdom from above....

Submitting to God’s Order for Our Sanctification Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Mark 12:18-27 What does the fact that there is no marriage in heaven reveal about God’s order? If you break God’s laws, they break you. This is God’s...

Transcript: Discernment

Listen to sermon audio Text: Matt 13:24-30, 36-43 Heavenly Father, The parable of the wheat and the weeds — this is a very difficult passage to to swallow. We ask for understanding, Lord. Teach us, Lord. Help us to discern. Help us to evaluate and judge without...

Discernment Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Matt 13:24-30, 36-43 The Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds teaches us an important lesson about discernment regarding who we can entrust ourselves to and who to keep a...