Choose This Day Whom You Will Serve Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Joshua 24:11-21 Put away the false gods of possessions, pleasure and praise and choose this day (and every day) to serve the...

Blessings or Curses – It’s Your Choice Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Deut 11:13-32 Blessings or curses. There is no neutral ground. If you forego the blessings of God, you are choosing a cursed life. Each day, choose the Blessor, to love...

The Conditional Promises of God Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Joshua 1:1-9 How much or how little of the promises of God we experience depend on 3 things: our obedience to His voice, our courage/trust and our...

True Unity Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: 2 Sam 15 (James 4) Repent of all worldly desires and desire Jesus, that there may be unity in your marriage, your family, your church and your...

A Broken and Contrite Heart = A Crucified Soul Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Psalm 51 David, the man after God’s heart, commits murder against Uriah and adultery with Bathsheba and he pens Psalm 51 in his repentance. Join David in praying...