Transcript – Soul Care and the Will of God What is the will of God?” Today, I want to tackle that question. The will of God – what is it, when do we do it and who does it? I have a title this week: Soul Care and the Will of God....

Soul Care and the Will of God Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: 1 Thess 4:3-8, 13-18; 5:16-24 What is the will of God? To rejoice, to pray, and to give thanks. When do we do it? Always, without ceasing, and in all circumstances. Who...

Transcript – Grow in the Grace and Knowledge of Jesus 2 Peter 318 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen. Father, We want to grow in the grace and the...

Grow in the Grace and Knowledge of Jesus Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: 2 Pet 3:18 If you and I make every effort to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, 2 wonderful things happen. First, you will be free....

Prayer 2019

Father God, We bless You because of Your grace and mercy shown to us in Christ. (1 Pet 1:3) Forgive Your Church for allowing our lips to become unclean along with the people around us. (Isa 6:5) Forgive Your Church for allowing our tongues to be used for evil and not...