Transcript – Jesus’ Peace: An Antidote to Our Stress Text: John 16:16-33 Summary: Anxiety even in one area causes an internal fracturing and our whole being feels stressed. The antidote to our stress is His peace. Jesus’ own peace removes all...

Jesus’ Peace: An Antidote to Our Stress Text: John 16:16-33 Summary: Anxiety even in one area causes an internal fracturing and our whole being feels stressed. The antidote to our stress is His peace. Jesus’ own peace removes all...

Transcript – The Ministry of the Holy Spirit Text: John 16:1-15 Summary: The ministry of the Holy Spirit can be summed up in one word — Jesus. John 161 “I have said all these things to you to keep you from falling away. 2 They will put...

The Ministry of the Holy Spirit Text: John 16:1-15 Summary: The ministry of the Holy Spirit can be summed up in one word —...