After some prayer, I am excited to officially announce the start of two small groups at our home.

This Friday, 2/7, it will be the Members Small Group (MSG) and it will continue once a month for members only. 

Requirements to become members:

– share your salvation testimony on a Sunday

– baptism by immersion

– regular Sunday attendance

On Friday, 2/21, we want to open our home to a larger group called Community Group (CG) which will also be once a month. This will be for all believers and non-Christians. Everyone is welcome. Please invite your friends who are seeking or who are looking for a church. Dinner starts at 7pm and it will end around 9pm.

At all our meetings, we will have dinner followed by a time of praise, a summary of a recent sermon, and sharing/praying for one another. 

Please pray for God to bless these small groups. Pray for leaders to be raised up and for more workers to be sent to the harvest field.