There are two translations for “word” in the New Testament–logos and rhema. Both are critical in hearing the voice of God.

Discussion Questions

– Read Psalm 23:1. Summarize what this verse means for the Christian.
– Read John 5:37-40. What are the 3 indictments that Jesus levels against the Pharisees? In light of this, why is reading the Bible not enough?
– What is the distinction between being childish (1 Cor 13:11) and being child-like (Matt 18:1-5)? What does it mean to be child-like? Would you characterize your Christian faith as being child-like?
– What does it mean to “grow up” spiritually and how might this go against remaining child-like?
– In a typical, active church setting, what often becomes the priority over and against being a child in a relationship with Abba Father?
– What wrong theologies are we taught that encourages us to keep obeying God without emotion?
– Psalm 23:2-3 presumes Psalm 23:1. These verses are talking about Christians. Yet, why do Christians need to have their lives renewed? Don’t we have life already as Christians? John 15:5-8 may be helpful to consider in your answer.
– Compare and contrast logos (“written word”) and rhema (“spoken word”).
– Why might we be reluctant about “rhema”? Are there any safeguards when considering the relationship between logos and rhema?
– To achieve the goal of renewing our lives, God may need to lead us to “green pastures” and “quiet waters” (Psalm 23:2). This may involve a change in circumstances. What are some concrete steps you can take to be alone with God, to shut out the noise and to say no to good things so that you can cultivate an ability to hear God’s voice?