How can we be filled to the point that our relationship with Jesus flows out for others to see? Listen as we cover the effects of the Holy Spirit.

Handout: Book of Acts: Verses about Receiving the Holy Spirit

Discussion Questions

– Print out and review handout containing verses about the Holy Spirit
– What do you notice about the baptized “converts” at Samaria? What question or concern comes to mind as you read about this situation?
– When Jesus meets the disciples at Ephesus, he asks them a question in Acts 19:2. What is your reaction to that question? Can you answer that question for yourself?
– List some biblical phrases that describe the presence of the Holy Spirit in the believer’s life.
– Explain this statement–The coming of the Holy Spirit shouldn’t be logically assumed; rather His coming should be accompanied by certain discernible effects. What are some effects?
– Describe the relationship between Eph 1:13-14 and Eph 5:18-21. What imbalance in theology could be formed when you only read Ephesians 1 apart from Ephesians 5?
– How are abiding in Christ and being filled by the Spirit two sides of the same coin? (hint – breathing analogy & recall what the main ministry of the Holy Spirit is)