What drives you? What drove Stephen, the first martyr of the church? In our culture of performance, isn’t it tough to prioritize our relationship with Jesus over the work we do for Jesus?

Discussion Questions

– What drives you? Is It the Lord? Phil 3:8 – do you agree with Paul’s testimony that nothing can compare to the surpassing value of knowing Christ?
– Rev 7 – in the throne room of God, where should our focus be? Where do mission-minded people tend to focus when reading this passage?
– Read 1 Cor 2:6-16. Notice in v14 the different translations for the word “unbeliever.” What is the natural man vs the spiritual man? What parts of our natural man are God-given and what are its limitations?
– What do you think it means when God desires worshipers who worship in the spirit and in truth?
– What did the Holy Spirit do for a nonbeliever during conversion? What does the Holy Spirit continue to do in the life of the believer?
– There’s a world of difference between someone who knows about Jesus versus someone who knows Him relationally. The Holy Spirit reveals the surpassing value of knowing Jesus firsthand to the believer. He’s gotten glimpses of Jesus so that you agree with Paul – Amen, yes, the surpassing value of knowing Christ, that’s what I desire. Have you had such revelations recently?
– Why did the apostles preach in the temple complex? How does this relate to our decision making? How do we normally make decisions? What’s driving those decisions?
– We in the West are very natural thinking? Do you agree or disagree?
– Our work for the Lord needs to overflow from our worship/relationship with the Lord. How do you see this being worked out in the life of Stephen? How was he described? What’s his role in the church? How is Stephen’s life the normative Christian life?
– Who is the audience listening to Stephen’s sermon? What is the main point? God is drawing a line in the sand. Describe the 2 sides. Which side are you on?