Preacher: Pastor Ray

For those of us who are saved and in Christ, God will renew our minds first and then transform our wills (actions) and our emotions (i.e. anger).

Discussion Questions

Eph 1-3 describes theological concepts such as salvation and the gospel. Eph 4 describes how God changes our relationships in the body of Christ. Eph 5 describes how God changes our marriage relationships. Eph 6 describes how God changes our family relationships between parent and children and work relationships between masters and slaves or bosses and their employees.

– How does this outline help you to consider how deeply the gospel has changed you in the area of relationships?

Read Eph 1:3-6.

– What is one takeaway from reading these verses?

Read Eph 1:11-14.

– What is the word of truth? Describe the gospel in your own words.

Read Eph 1:17-20.

– What happened at initial salvation? To answer this, use the terms “wisdom,” “revelation,” “in Christ,” and “enlightened.”
– Describe how salvation changes your perspective about “hope,” “glorious inheritance” and “immeasurable greatness of his power.” Do you find your attitude toward these things changing?

Read Eph 2:1-5.

– What was our spiritual condition prior to salvation?
– What does the fact that there is a willingness to fight against sin demonstrate to the believer? Why should this encourage you?

Read Eph 2:8-9.

– Why is there no room for boasting for the Christian?

Read Eph 3:14-19.

– How do these verses point to the reality that salvation is not a one-time event?
– Do we have the strength to deepen in our appreciation for the love of God? It not, where does this strength come from?

Read Eph 4:17-19.

– Describe the spiritual condition of a typical non-believer.
– Examine yourself – have you been falling back into your old life? If so, reach out to someone in your local context.

Read Eph 4:20-24.

– Does it work to tell someone, stop doing certain bad things (“put off) and do these good things (“put on”)? For example, stop being proud and be humble.
– Why is v23 the key to understanding v22 and v24?
– Why does v23 say, “to be renewed in the SPIRIT of your minds?”

Read Eph 4:25-32.

– Pick out the words that pertain to acts of the will and pick out the words that pertain to emotions.
– Why is anger such a danger emotion that often times leads to sin?
– Why is anger mentioned in the context of Ephesians 4?
– Why is anger potentially more destructive in a broader sense than other sins (i.e. adultery)?

Read Eph 5:1-2.

– What is the Christian’s primary identity?
– How does a proper identity help to solidify many things in the Christian life in terms of our mind, will and emotions?