Preacher: Pastor Ray

We complete our three-week series about seeking the Lord by examining whether or not the Lord is our only good. May He remove idols in your heart as you set Him before you day by day.

Discussion Questions

Read Psalm 16:1. David’s enemies were not ultimately Saul, or the Philistines, or Absalom, but Satan who was inspiring them to attack him. Satan is our enemy.

– How often have you started out your prayers like this?
– Do you find it easy or difficult to identify with this verse? Please explain.

Read Psalm 16:2.

– What is Satan’s strategy when he attacks?
– What does it mean that apart from the Lord, I have no good thing?
– If you can say Amen to verse 2, then you’re in a good place spiritually. Can you say Amen to verse 2 today?
– When you are struggling to say Amen to verse 2, run back to verse 1. Why does verse 1 bring encouragement to the struggling Christian who is under spiritual attack?

Read Psalm 16:3. This verse seems contradictory to verse 2.

– What’s wrong with this formula for delighting in the saints (i.e. church, community, body of Christ):
The Lord is my ultimate good = all my delight is in the saints
– Verse 3 needs to be read in the context of verses 1-2. How would you describe saints who bring you delight by incorporating verses 1-2?

Read Psalm 16:4. The word “sorrows” can be translated into pains, nuisances, or worries. The phrase “to run after” is also used by a bridegroom paying a dowry to acquire his bride. It’s a passionate pursuit. “Pour out” is to consecrate or to show devotion toward. “To take their names on my lips” is to exalt.

– Do you agree or disagree that the graduation ceremony is a religious ceremony? What values are being displayed by people on the stage wearing their robes and the keynote speaker?
– Describe the multiplication of sorrows in this life and into eternity.
– Given the translation of this verse, how pervasiveness do you think Satanic worship is in our society?
– What values are being promoted by the NBA? What are the youth drinking up and aspiring to be?
– There are not many spiritually neutral events in life. Do you agree or disagree?

Read Psalm 16:7. “Instructs” can be translated to chastises or rebukes.

– If you are not sure what your idols are, seek the Lord’s counsel. He will reveal them to you.
– Even your own heart will instruct you. Look back on your day (your actions, words, thoughts) and in your own heart, you will find the Lord’s rebuke. There is wisdom even in your own heart if you dig around. Spend the evenings praying through your day.

Read Psalm 16:8.

– How does this verse define what a seeker is?
– When you look back on your life, you will recognize times when you were being shaken by Satan. He was sifting you. The Lord was testing you. But there is always a way out. If you have eyes of faith, you will see that He was there at your right hand. Recall times when the Lord held you steady when you were being shaken.

Read Psalm 16:9. Notice the “therefore.” Because of verse 8, verse 9 can be declared.

– In the end, we will praise the Lord and thank Him. I made it! Thank you for keeping me. Thank the Lord for being at your right hand, to stabilize you, to catch you when you were about to slip. Commit that you will set Him before you each day.
– As the sorrows of those who don’t know God will multiply, think of the multiplication of joy for the Christian of getting to know an infinite God for all eternity.

Read Psalm 16:10-11. This psalm ends with a prophetic word. David hints at a bodily resurrection.

– What is Sheol (Hebrews) or Hades (Greek)?
– Bonus 1: where did Jesus go after He died? [This is going to take some research on your part.] – Bonus 2: Peter quotes Psalm 16 in Acts 2 during his debut sermon. What point does he make?