Psalm 1 depicts 2 paths–the path of the wicked and the path of the righteous. Listen as we discuss the blessed path of the righteous. The choice is yours.

Discussion Questions

The book of Psalms is divided into 5 sub-books and these sub-books mirror the Pentateuch: Book 1 – Genesis, Book 2 – Exodus, Book 3 – Leviticus, Book 4 – Numbers and Book 5 – Deuteronomy.

– What is communicated in the ordering of Psalm 1 and 2?

Genesis 1 and 2 are both accounts of the creation.

– What is the significance of Adam receiving the command from the Lord not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil PRIOR to Eve being created?

Psalm 1 describes 2 lines. We see this in Genesis. 2 trees in the Garden, Abel/Cain, Abraham/Lot, Isaac/Ishmael, Jacob/Esau.

– How is the destiny of the individual linked to the nations?

Psalm 1:3-4 describes the blessed life.

– What are the characteristics of the blessed life?
– Which ones do you lack?

Read Hab 3:17-18 and 1 Cor 3:5-7.

– Are you in a fruit-bearing season or a winter season?

Read Psalm 1:1. When the counsel of the wicked comes, we should keep walking, away from evil.

– In what forms do the counsel of the wicked come?
– What happens when we don’t walk away from evil?
– How do you see the progression of sin in this verse?

Read James 3:13-18. Recall the difference between wisdom from above and wisdom from the earth or wisdom that comes from the pits of the hell.

– Who are your counselors (who has your ear)?
– What criteria do you use to determine who has your ear?
– How do you know if the source of their wisdom is from above, or from the earth, or from the pits of hell?

Here are some examples of insufficient criteria that people use to accept counselors into their lives: they love you (unspiritual parents, secular mentors), they have good doctrine (Pharisees), how hard people are working in ministry (false prophets).

– What are some insufficient criteria that you use?

Read Matt 7:15-23. Jesus tells us how to evaluate people. You can know a tree by its fruit. Fruit is observable.

– Evaluate your counselors – do you see Psalm 1:3-4 in their lives?
– Ultimately, the person you are listening to, do they know Jesus personally?

Sometimes, you can’t discern a person’s fruit until a tragedy hits and you see their response. Instead of enduring and persevering the dead of winter, all of this bitterness and eventually unbelief sets in. Over a lifetime composed of many seasons, you can discern their fruit.

– Did your counselors survive wintry seasons? How did they respond when tragedy hit?

Some people are drawn to people who are objectively displaying bad fruit.

– Why are we drawn to the counsel of the wicked even when we know that this person has not been helping me spiritually?
– How does this pattern reveal an inner brokenness?
– Do you see how inner brokenness is linked to the counselors that you have assembled around yourself?

A wicked heart is drawn to wickedness. The heart needs to change. Psalm 1:2 speaks of “delight.” This speaks to the heart. You can’t change your heart but you can change what your heart meditates on.

– What dominates the meditations of your heart?

The world tells you that your practice determines your position. The gospel is the complete reverse. The gospel says, position first and your position determines your practice. Read Eph 1:3-14. Our position is described as being “in Christ,” “in Him,” “in the Beloved.”

– Do you believe that God’s love for you is steadfast or do you think it fluctuates depending on your practice?
– Do you really believe that God loves you on your worst day in exactly the same way and to the same degree as He does on your best day?

“Blessed” means happy. You can meditate on only one thing at a time. Meditate on the gospel until your soul is happy in the Lord.

– Spend time meditating on the gospel, delighting in Him, delighting in the fact that He chose you as His child.