Speaking life is a blessing, and the word of God is a two-edged sword used to take out sin and destroy the works of the devil. Full transcript and audio
Moving from Surviving to Thriving
Text: Luke 8:4-8 Summary: Parable of the Sower. The path-like heart and rocky heart do not apply to believers. It really comes down to a thorny heart and a good heart. God wants our hearts to be good and to bear a hundredfold amount of good fruit. Unlike the world, God is infinitely more interested […]
Three Washings
Text: 1 John 5:6-8 Summary: We are washed at baptism. We are washed by Jesus’ word (rhema). And we are washed by the blood. Pray this: Jesus, meet me, help me to believe that I’m clean, I pray that you will cleanse me fully by Your blood.
Jesus: The Word, the Life, the Light, Full of Grace and Truth
Text: John 1:1-18 Summary: Jesus is the Word so go to Him and say, teach me. Jesus is the Life so go to Him and say, revive me. Jesus is the Light so go to Him and say, lead me. Jesus is full of grace so go to Him and say, forgive me. Jesus is […]
How to Walk in the Victory of Christ
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Matt 4:1-11 Jesus demonstrates how He walked in victory during His time of testing in the wilderness. We, too, can walk in the same victory by 1) filling ourselves with the Word, 2) expressing thanksgiving in every situation, and 3) refusing to bow the knee to anybody or anything but Jesus.
Christmas 2015: The Christ Awakens (John 1)
Preacher: Pastor Ray Jesus is The Word, The Life, The Light and The Way.