Audio file Text: James 1:2-7, 12-17; Matt 26:36-44 Summary: Jesus was steadfast under numerous trials. God tested Him and He passed every test with flying colors. Now it’s time to pass our tests.
Praiseworthy Faith: A Faith that is Not Easily Offended
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Matt 15:21-28 For what kind of faith does Jesus offer His highest commendation? Answer: a faith that is not easily offended. A Canaanite woman overcame the following: 1) Jesus’ silence, 2) disciples who were annoyed by her, 3) Jesus’ confusing statement toward her, and 4) what appears as an outright insult […]
Like Father, Like Son, Like Christian
Preacher: Pastor Ray Text: Gen 22:1-14 Like Abraham, like Isaac, you and I need to believe in Jesus no matter the cost.