Preacher: Dongyoon (DY) Oh

Listen to Brother DY’s debut sermon as he shares about his journey following our Shepherd, Jesus Christ, for the past 5 years.

Discussion Questions

Every Christian’s confession is that Jesus is my Shepherd and I shall not want, or I lack nothing because I am totally satisfied in Jesus.

– Is Jesus enough for you? Do you find Jesus to be sufficient to satisfy your deepest needs?
– Are there any other desires that are competing with Jesus?

Upon conversion, Jesus led DY to a faith community so that he could learn concretely to love and serve others. At the core, faith involves one’s relationship with the Lord, but God’s love and the movement of His Spirit are also amplified in the context of a faith community.

– Are you an active member of a faith community? If not, ask Jesus and trust that He will lead you to one.

DY prayed about his future regarding graduate school, but on one particular Sunday during the application process, he felt an impression from the Lord about his love for this community and he realized that he had grown in His love for Jesus during the prior 2 years. This realization prompted him to pray more specifically regarding his future and God answered right away.

– How do you make decisions?
– Does DY’s testimony feel foreign or familiar to you?
– Do you believe that the Lord speaks and leads His sheep in the practical decisions of life?
– Have you had moments where God spoke suddenly and redirected your path?
– Do you think it is really possible that the Lord actually orders your steps if you inquire of Him?

The Lord leads His sheep through valleys. During one such valley, DY testifies that God broke through in a moment of prayerful silence. Those breakthrough moments reveal why the valleys are necessary.

– Why would a loving Shepherd lead us through valleys, out of His sovereign will and for our ultimate good?
– Are you in a valley now? Why might the Lord be leading you there?
– Find someone to pray with.